Empower your organization with TimeWorks Mobile!
Manage labor costs for remote employees. Cut down on admin time across your organization! From employees clocking IN/OUT to supervisors approving time cards, get the convenience you need with TimeWorks Mobile, now with Pinpoint GPS! The TimeWorks Mobile App enables supervisors to remotely ensure staff levels are adequately covered at any point throughout the work day.
Experience HR in an entirely new way with HR Pro Mobile.
HR Pro Mobile lets you submit questions directly to HR Pros from your mobile device, and view responses on the go. Instant eAlerts keep you on top of legal changes that may affect workplace. Quick Guides and Checklists give an at-a-glance view of the most common HR issues, including Hiring, Performance Management, Employee Relations, and more. Q&A Live Streaming lets you see what HR issues are trending by viewing real questions submitted to HR Pros and the answers they give in response. HRCasts allows you to listen to podcasts developed by our HR pros, designed to offer tips, information and best practices to help you better manage the business and employees.